It may look like I'm going slow but I'm just getting started.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The New Year

I did not make any foolish weight resolutions this year. Though I do think it would be awesome to wake up January 1st and not have "goal weight" in the back of my mind. Just imagine how many other things I could concentrate on. As you can see by my weight, the holidays were not kind. As a result, I am almost back up to my weight of 192 from three years ago. So not cool. But I'm not going to panic and vow to eat 1,000 calories a day while exercising 7 days a week. I just can't take that pressure. I would like to start training for the triathlon. Kind of a necessity. And I would like to enter my food daily on The Daily Plate. Beyond that I am still open. And waiting on those blood test results to let me off the hook!

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