It may look like I'm going slow but I'm just getting started.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Eating (and pronouncing) Quinoa

I have recently discovered the joy of eating (and saying) quinoa (keen wah). I have a strange compulsion to say the name over and over, which only works if you actually eat it. Otherwise it's just weird(er). I have read many articles about the benefits and tastiness of quinoa. Apparently it's a complete protein. And that's good. I just like the fact that you can eat it savory or sweet. I have tried two variations of quinoa:

Quinoa with Black Beans and Corn


Apple Cinnamon Breakfast Quinoa

Both of these recipes came from SparkRecipes, which I also absolutely love. I have found so many good and healthy recipes there. Plus they provide the nutrition information per serving.

I used the black bean quinoa for vegetarian burritos and it was loverly. Quinoa has a slightly nutty flavor and reminds me a little of couscous. But it also has this little poppy crunch. So good. Try it and join the quinoa club. One of the benefits is being able to say "quinoa" in practically any conversation!

Thanks mmm-yoso!!! for the quinoa pic


  1. I looooove quinoa. I use it interchangably with cous cous and brown rice in almost any recipe. My fav?

    quinoa, cooked
    a little olive oil
    1 bunch green onion, diced
    2 tomatoes, diced
    1 avocado, diced
    1 bunch spinach, chopped as small as possible
    1 bunch parsley, chopped as small as possible
    2lbs chicken breast, baked and diced (I like to bake it in lemon juice and garlic salt, but whatever you want works)
    1/4-1/2 cup lemon juice
    salt to taste
    paprika to taste

    Just mix it all together, put it in the fridge and you have instant well-balanced food for a few days. To serve, just scoop into a smaller bowl and eat cold. Perfect for summer!

    Enjoy- quinoa is practically a food group. yummm...

  2. I am a fan of quinoa. I've never had it sweet, but it's on my list to try.

  3. Kristi-
    Thanks for the recipe. It sounds completely delicious. I love avocado on anything so that sealed it for me. And did I see your letter to the editor in Runners World? Way to get published!

    You should try the cinnamon apple. It was quite delicious.

  4. LOL! Wow. You recognized me! Yes, I wrote an irate letter to the editor moments after reading the article. I totally misunderstood it, and should NEVER type while angry. My sister called me minutes after I hit "send," and I ranted to her about it... where she informed me that she was ON THE JOB and I had totally misunderstood the context. The editor, in emails following that, was really understanding about the error, even after I apologized and stated that she thought that it was important to clarify because if I was offended, perhaps other readers were too. She was less soothing in her actual published response, but that's ok. I got a cool Runner's World T Shirt out of it! :)
